A home with children is a home that has most likely been lived in well. Transition is never easy but when done properly can be so rewarding. At Model My Home, we have navigated these choppy waters and have some strategies to help make Selling a House with Kids a SUCCESS.

Prepare the Kids for the Home Sale – Kids are very smart and they like to be part of the team. Include them in the selling process of the house! At Model My Home we have a Top Selling Realtor who encourages her client’s children to create their own flyers and pass them out around the neighborhood so they can help sell the home. The results have been amazing! It’s exciting for the kids to participate in a winning experience.
Prepack most of the toys while keeping a few Favorites – Place a tub of Favorites under each bed. When it’s time for a Showing, have the children place their toys in the tub and slide it under the bed for quick and easy clean up! Packing for a move is a perfect time to go through old toys and donate them to a local charity. As much as possible put away all playhouses, race cars, trophies, sports gear, etc. until they make their triumphant return at the new home. It’s important to remember – ADULTS buy homes not children. The goal is to make every room feel inviting to the potential adult home buyers.
Give kids their own “Pre-Showing” Checklist – Make a list of items that need to be complete so their room, bathroom, etc. is “Show Ready”. Then ask before each showing “is your space Show Ready?”
Have kids pick their favorite “superpower” – You know it’s really a “chore” but make it fun! Call it their “superpower”. This chore can be the one they’re in charge of around the house before each showing.
Rewards RULE – We all look forward to some form of reward! Create an exciting Reward that the Kids will receive once the Home is Sold.
These Keys to Successfully Selling a House with Kids can not only be easier but FUN! What other tips have you found helpful that we should know about? We’d love to hear them!
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